Free Angelica Seeds - Please take part in our seed viability experiment

Published on 3 January 2023 at 16:29

Would anyone like to take part in an experiment?

Angelica seeds lose their viability quite quickly, some say within 3 months and other sources, within a year.

Subsequently we only sell the seeds until December time.

Some years, we have some seed left unsold which get added into the compost bin.

When we’ve sown the seeds it’s usually been fairly shortly after harvest but we have on occasion sown it several months later and still had some seedlings pop up.

This may have been a happy fluke but what if, every year, lots of viable seeds get thrown away?

We would much rather give them away at the end of each year than dispose of them but we need to know that at least a few are going to come up.

We could plant all of the seeds ourselves but there is a limit to how many Angelica plants our small garden could accommodate.

So, who’d like a free packet of Angelica seeds to plant?

All we ask is that you plant all of the seeds at some time in the next few months, leave them for at least a month to see if any germinate and then let us know, (whether they came up or not and whereabouts in the country you are), using the form on the Angelica page in our shop. 

For anyone that takes part and fills in the form, you'll receive a free packet of flower seeds added to your next order* as a thank you.

If you'd like to take part, please order your free Angelica seeds here 

(Free postage if you’re not ordering anything else at this time).


*Free flower seeds only available with orders containing purchased seeds, not any subsequent free Angelica seed orders.

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Emma Norman
2 years ago

Saw this on Twitter and more than happy to help out!

Jane Cureton
2 years ago

Thank you Emma :)

Yvonne Green
2 years ago

Would love to try growing Angelica

Jane Cureton
2 years ago

Thank you Yvonne :)

Sarah Bennett
2 years ago

Would love to grow some angelica

Jane Cureton
2 years ago

Hi Sarah, thankyou, please order your seeds via the link above. Any problems, please let me know.

Janette Haig
2 years ago

I willl try to grow the Angelica seeds.

I always buy plants,so this will be new for me.
Thank you

Jane Cureton
2 years ago

Hi Janette,
Thank you, please order your seeds via the link above. Any problems, please let me know.

Heather Dance
2 years ago

I'd love to take part in this trial

Jane Cureton
2 years ago

Thank you Heather :)

Anne Milton
2 years ago

Am happy to try growing Angelica seeds, am in Scotland

Jane Cureton
2 years ago

Thank you Anne.
Please order your seeds via the link above. Any problems, please let me know :)

Heather Johnstone
2 years ago

I am in the Highlands of Scotland, near Loch Ness. I've never grown Angelica so would like to give it a try.

Jane Cureton
2 years ago

Thank you Heather :)